Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday Thanks on Wednesday

Black and white here it is. This week I haven’t really felt like being thankful or having a positive attitude. I’ve been grumpy. Shave the beard, add a little height, and a pair of heels and I’ve been the little grumpy dwarf from Snow White standing with his arms crossed. I’ve felt like stomping my foot, balling up my fists, and holding on to my frustrations, hurt feelings, and a little anger. To say anything else would be lying and pretending. I've needed a change in attitude. Yesterday was a day when even though I didn’t want to, I should have made myself sit down and write this list of thanks. It probably would’ve done wonders to help change my attitude. But I didn’t. I thought about it but didn’t. Last night I needed to take deep breathes, forgive, and let go. I needed to let go of how my expectations, needs, and wants that weren’t being met. But I didn’t. So don’t worry, I got my attitude check alright. Last night God checked me and it felt very much like getting the wind got knocked out of me. My week and I got started off on completely the wrong foot, but this morning I feel like we’re on the up and up and headed in the right direction. This list may or may not be shorter than usual, but I promise you it has been written with a spirit of gratefulness, humility, and with the right attitude this morning.

I’m thankful for:

*My friend who lets me be completely honest and vent when I’m feeling frustrated. She reminds me its ok and I’m not alone. But what I’m most thankful for about this friend is she always follows listening with encouraging me, building me up, and then speaking wise words that I need to hear. Today I’m thankful that she reminds me to drop it and let it go.

*My Bruiser who always seems to know when Mama needs a little bit of extra loving. He cuddles up with his fat rolls and looks up with his sad little eyes and seems to say “I love you.” Melts my heart every time.

*The tough days in marriage. The tough days remind me that marriage is HARD work, because two imperfect people married each other. I am reminded that the hardest work HAS to start with me and in me. The tough days remind me of my imperfections and my great responsibility to forgive and let go, to be full of grace, and to focus on my responsibilities to my husband instead of my rights. The tough days make me grow and open my eyes to my tendency to get incredibly lazy and selfish! Nothing shows me quicker how well or not well I’m doing at living out my faith then my marriage in the tough days. The tough days bring me to my knees, they hurt, and often bring rivers of tears, but they also bring life. I am so thankful for a marriage centered in Christ, and for a husband who I know loves me: through our tough days, despite our tough days, he is committed to me, and to our growth individually and together beyond the tough days. I am thankful for the journey of marriage. It is sometimes hard and painful, but it is beautiful and worth every moment.

*Early Wednesday morning conversations over coffee: blessed, beautiful, thought inspiring, life breathing, humorous, fresh, raw conversations.

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