I believe that the ability to ask good questions is a form of art. There is something about a good question that digs through the surface and reaches down into an issue or someone and pulls the heart, the guts of the matter into the light. Good questions start a journey that often leads to more questions and not always answers. But I believe discovery in the journey comes not always in the answer, but in allowing the process of questions. It takes time and thought, wisdom and discernment to not just ask a question, but a good question and many questions often lie before the one that hits the heart. Good questions bring focus. I have found that when I stop asking questions, I stop learning and growing because the questions are what keep me focused, the questions are what keep me aware. The seasons of life where I feel like I've grown the most are the seasons in which I am purposefully asking and continually asking myself and others questions. Sometimes there are questions that need to be re-asked and re-asked. I admire those that have the gift of asking good questions, because I do not consider myself one of those people. Often I find myself in situations muttering to myself, "I should totally have a question for this". But I also believe that the art of asking good questions is not an art of "I have it or I don't", like being able to paint or draw (neither of which I can do). I believe the art of asking good questions is an art that one grows into out of practice. And so, these days I am asking lots of questions, expecting to find more questions, and hoping to ask better questions.
Questions I've been asking myself:
*What am I passionate about? What makes me come alive? Am I doing this?
*What do I I want my life to be about?
*Where do I see God working in my life? Am I spending enough time looking for God? Am I spending enough time with God?
*In what ways am I growing? Does my life and my actions reflect this growth? In what ways do I need to grow more? Am I actively doing the things that will help me grow in these areas?
*Am I living in security? Where am I feeling insecure and what is the root of this insecurity?
*Is there anything I am currently afraid of and why?
*What am I learning?
*Is there anything I am holding onto that I need to let go of?
*Is there anyone I need to forgive today? Is there anyone I need to ask to forgive me?
*Is the posture of my heart one of humility of pride?
*Am I living grace?
*Am I allowing God to love me? Am I choosing to love Others, or just those who are easy for me to love?
*Am I surrounding myself with the right people-the right voices?
*Do I listen to those who speak truth into my life, even when I don't want to hear it?
*Am I being a safe person?
*Am I in control of my emotions or letting my emotions control me?
*What do I want my focus to be and is it there?
*How am I doing with: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentlesness, faithfulness, and self-control?
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