The past couple weeks a local radio station I listen to a lot has been talking about having a "word of the year", picking one word that sums up what you want to focus on this year. To be honest sometimes I struggle with the cheesiness that exists on christian radio stations, but this I thought was good stuff. I decided to pick a word. It was harder then I thought it would be. After 2 weeks of narrowing down options and spending some time thinking and praying, I finally picked a word. One word...ALIVE.
I want to intentionally focus on being ALIVE this year. Sometimes it's so easy to go through the motions of life, to be present, but still miss SO much. I want to focus on each moment, to breathe deep in life's goodness, to experience fullness, to be ALIVE in each action, each conversation, every friendship, my family, my marriage, at work...each day, each week, every month...ALIVE.
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